Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Did your ITIN Expire January 1, 2017?

Time has run out for many ITIN holders who need to file a federal income tax return in 2017 and want to avoid a long wait for a refund, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is used by anyone who has tax-filing or payment obligations under U.S. law but is not eligible for a Social Security number. Under a recent law change by Congress, any ITIN not used on a tax return at least once in the past three years have expired on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017. In addition, any ITIN with middle digits of either 78 or 79 (9NN-78-NNNN or 9NN-79-NNNN) have also expired on that date.
This means that anyone with an expiring ITIN should act now to make sure they have a renewed ITIN in time to file a return during the upcoming tax season. Failure to do so will result in refund delays and possible loss of eligibility for some tax benefits until the ITIN is renewed.

ITIN renewal applicants can get help by visiting our website at www.kaa4tax.com  or calling 
(844) KAA-4TAX.

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